About the gICS®

As a rule, the collection, processing and use of medical research data requires the purpose-related informed consent (IC) of the data subject (cf. Art. 6-11 EU GDPR). In the context of steadily growing national and international research initiatives, a reliable and efficient procedure for the digital management of consents and withdrawals is indispensable.

To this end, we have developed gICS®. This can be easily integrated into both paper-based and purely digital workflows and is used to process modularly mapped consents and withdrawals in the study context.

In practice, it has proven useful to combine content-related or logically related process steps of data processing (policies) into consentable modules (e.g. module "processing of data"). In gICS® , templates represent an unfilled and structured consent document in terms of a questionnaire. It contains modules that can be selected by the participant as well as supplementary consent information (response options, mandatory modules, free texts, etc.).

Additional Information

License: AGPLv3
Copyright: 2014 - 2025 Trusted Third Party of the University Medicine Greifswald
Contact: Form

Concept and implementation: Lars Geidel
Web-Client: Arne Blumentritt, Martin Bialke

User Manual

The current version of the user manual (German) for the gICS® is available at https://ths-greifswald.de/gics/handbuch.


All functionalities of gICS® are provided for external use via SOAP-interface, which is available from http://IP-ADDRESS:8080/gics/gicsService?wsdl. Further information and sample-requests are part of the user manual. The complete API description is available from https://ths-greifswald.de/gics/doc.


The gICS® was developed by the University Medicine Greifswald and published in 2014 as part of the research project "MOSAIC" (funded by the DFG HO 1937/2-1). Selected functionalities of the gICS® were developed as part of the following research projects:

  • MAGIC (funded by the DFG HO 1937/5-1)
  • MIRACUM (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 01ZZ1801M)
  • NUM-CODEX (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 01KX2021)

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