Domains are organisational units (clients), e.g. a study, a research project or an institution.
Here you can add a new domain or modify, import and export an existing domain.
After adding templates, modules or policies, the editing options of a domain are limited.

New Domain

3 domains

LabelDescriptionExpirationDispatch policy validityCreationLast editingActions
Demo Deutschland (active) Beispiel Domäne für die Durchführung einer Studie in Deutschland 2022-02-01 10:15:262022-02-01 10:15:26
Demo EU Example domain for the execution of a study in europe 2022-02-01 10:15:402022-02-01 10:15:40
MII Medizininformatik Initiative 2022-02-01 10:13:272022-02-01 10:49:16
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